We’re thrilled to welcome soccer player, Leo Galpin, to join the ranks here at FirstPoint USA. We recently caught up with The Cherwell School student, who gave us an insight into his sporting background, his reasons for wishing to pursue a sports scholarship in the US, and his future aspirations.
Hailing from Oxford, Leo tells us he played for his local team, Marston Saints FC, for 13 years. Throughout his time there, Leo tells us he achieved two Player’s Player awards and two Player of the Season awards, as well as winning the division with his team seven times. Outside of soccer, Leo tells us he was also a keen tennis player; ranking 30th in Oxfordshire and reaching an ATP rating of 8.1 at age 15.
With a lengthy sporting career behind him. We asked Leo to tell us about his favourite sporting memory to date. He stated, “In 2009, my team (Marston Saints) was invited to play a 7-aside match at Wembley Stadium. This was such an honour, although, because I was only nine years old, I was not able to appreciate it as much as I should have. However, playing there really kick-started my passion to play football, and I aspire to play on that pitch again sometime in the future.”
Leo tells us he was drawn to the idea of studying in the US as it will give him the opportunity to experience a completely different culture. He added, “The level of seriousness that they take sports over there is very appealing; and also, it is a very diverse country. Yes, England is too; however, seeing their approach to different cultures would be intriguing to be a part of.”
Upon beginning his life as an American student-athlete, Leo tells us he is looking forward to playing soccer in front of huge crowds; having the opportunity to perform his skills and to be represent his university will be a huge honour. He noted, “From what I have heard, the approach to sports is very similar to that of a professional level, which thrills me greatly. It will be difficult at the start to manage my time between sports and subjects however, it will improve discipline and life skills.”
In order to learn a bit more about our newest clients, we often ask them to tell us about their favourite sportspeople of all time, and their reasons why. Leo told us:
“Roger Federer – he is so humble in victory or defeat, though he is arguably the best player of all time. Furthermore, he is very charitable with his work and organisations in Africa.
Mohammed Salah – again, he has extreme talent, yet is so humble. Also, he has helped in the fight against racism in football. Additionally, he has been in several events that have helped tackle the drug crisis in Egypt.
Jessica Ennis-Hill – there’s a repetitive theme here, however she is a truly gracious winner, who oozes hard work and dedication. The fact that she had a child between the 2012 and 2016 Olympics and was still able to compete, and win Silver at Rio, is very admirable.”
Finally, we asked Leo where he sees himself being in 10 years’ time. He stated, “I would like to see myself as a professional footballer; able to sustain a stable income whilst enjoying my life as a professional athlete. I see myself as a man who will have had many memories of travelling around the world, whilst having down everything possible to become a pro-footballer. Furthermore, I would like to have created a foundation to help others achieve their dreams and use my journey and life experiences to do so.”
We’d like to thank Leo for catching up with us. We’ll keep you updated on Leo's progress throughout the scholarship process across our various social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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