Congratulations to FirstPoint USA client, Kyle McLeod, who has committed to a soccer scholarship at the University of West Alabama. We recently caught up with Kyle to hear how he found the scholarship process, and what he is looking forward to upon heading out to the states.
Kyle states that the reason he chose to pursue a scholarship in the US was to give himself a new opportunity to be challenged both on and off the soccer field. As well as this, the opportunity will allow Kyle to experience new culture and a completely different way of life over in the US.
Regarding the scholarship process, Kyle tells us that he found that it all went very smoothly. Stating that, “the FirstPoint team helped me all the way, and provided me with excellent opportunities.”
Having made the decision to both study and play at the University of West Alabama, Kyle tells us that there were a few factors which influenced his choice. He tells us that the school has excellent facilities, in both athletic and academic aspects; and the soccer team at UWA is fantastic, so after being given to opportunity to be a part of it, Kyle knew this was something he wanted to pursue.
Upon arriving in the US, Kyle tells us that he is most looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead of him; both on the field and in the classroom. Kyle states that he is also looking forward to having the opportunity to play in new environments all across the US, as well as getting know both his team and class mates over there.
[caption id="attachment_11727" align="aligncenter" width="525"] UWA Men's Soccer Team - GSC Champions 2016[/caption]Finally, we asked Kyle where he sees himself being in 10 years time. He tells us that he hopes to have his degree from UWA and to hopefully still be playing for a soccer team at a high level. However, he adds that he is also very keen on coaching soccer, so this is something that he also hopes to pursue in the future.
We’d like to wish Kyle the best of luck for his studies and playing career at UWA; we will keep you updated on his progress out in the states through our various social media platforms.