Agony Al: Handling Exam Disappointment

1 min read
Dear Al, I sat my SAT exam on Saturday and I'm scared I've totally messed it up. It was waaay harder than I thought it'd be and I'm so annoyed at myself for not studying I'll need to explain to my parents why I'm going to get such bad results. What should I do? Cheers Al, Darren   Dazza, I'm sure it isn't as bad as what you think, everyone comes out of an exam fearing the worst. If you get disappointing results, don't be scared to tell your parents, it's not the be-all and end-all, remember you can resit your SATs more than once, and next time you'll know what to expect and how much to study. Here's a video of Nicola Pitticas and myself, where Nicola clearly demonstrates the important fact that if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail:
  You're welcome, Al  

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